Saturday, September 24, 2011

Choose Powerfully

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They say we do not regret the things we did, but instead, the things we did not do. Looking back, I agree. There really is no such thing as failure, it is just a lesson learned. So if we do not try, we never learn. If we never learn, we never grow.

This week I made a big decision to move forward fearlessly toward a dream that I have had all of my life. It is scary to to take a leap of faith. But I know, from so many times in the past, that it always leads to something better.

When we send a clear message to the universe that we are committed to our goals, the energy changes. It changes within us and around us. 

I know that I am fully supported emotionally and financially in all ways at all times.

This is the truth I stand on. Anything else is just a myth of the monkey mind. 

Is there anything you wish to do, see, have? Ask yourself if there are any myths holding you back. Are you waiting for someone else to decide?

The universe is waiting for YOU to decide. So choose. Choose powerfully.

I pray for your courage and strength. All is one. So my courage is yours and yours is mine.

And so it is.

Sept 24 2011. Miraclecatcher. MMM

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