Monday, April 30, 2012

What Is Your Body Telling You?

Every day our bodies talk to us. Are we listening?

People often ask me how it is that I stay so healthy. It is simple. I listen to my body.
When it gives me a yellow flag. I stop, ask, listen.

Many people wait until the RED flag is waiving ferociously. Usually by then, the body is in full-blown rebellion and one cannot even  get out of bed.

There is an easier way.

Do you believe that our cells remember past pain? Some scientists propose that not only do our cells remember past pain, our DNA houses memories from past generations that we carry into this life and may pass on to our future generations. Wow!

I am currently becoming certified in hypnosis which allows us to go into the subconscious and see what is stored there. What patterns? What core beliefs? When I did timeline regression I actually recalled memories from my own birth and my ancestors. It was amazing and shocking!

After realizing that I was carrying these memories, I became very interested in a deeper question: if there is pain stored in the cellular memory, how do we overcome it?

My answer is to release and forgive. We cannot heal what we cannot see.
First we must become present to our pain. Allow it to be seen and release it. 
Sometimes we were deeply hurt and never allowed to grieve. Some memories were so painful that we just buried them. But they still live in our bodies. If the pain is great enough, it creates dis-ease.

Some people exorcize their past pain by writing it down. Sometimes we cry. Sometimes we see a healer or talk to a close friend. All of these methods work. You choose what feels best for you. But choose. Ignoring pain, just makes it louder.

In my experience, the body is an amazing, miraculous machine. It speaks to us and knows what it needs to heal. It is also astonishingly accurate in giving us clues as to where the pain is being stored. Look to exactly where in your body you have manifested a disease.

For example, if you have a problem in your eyes, what is it that you do not want to see?
If you have a problem in your sexual organs, what is it about your sexuality that has been repressed? Do you feel ashamed of your sexuality? Was there some abuse that happened that has never been resolved? Does your back hurt? Ask yourself if you feel supported by others?

While it is true that if you fall down the stairs, you may make break your arm. The question I would ask is, why did you fall in the first place? Were you paying attention? What was distracting you?

I do not believe in accidents. Not in the world, and not in my body.

 A rule to live by: My body is a temple: I honor it, and it honors me.

I hope you will consider these questions with time and sincerity. Your body deserves your care.

Visualizing you all in abundant and perfect health. MMM

Saturday, April 14, 2012

You Can Heal Your Life

This book changed my life and my health forever.
It has lots of great information on healing yourself through the power of thought.
Say it with me. xox

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Ignite Your Charisma


Kundalini by miraclecatcher on

The 2nd Chakra is where we embody our charisma, creativity and sexuality.
It is the source of our power.
Express it and it flows abundantly and powerfully.
Repress it and it will cause you physical harm.
You were created to shine.
Your light is like fire. Use it or be burned.
youtube: miraclecatcher

Not Knowing

Not Knowing
The more time goes by,
the more I see that learning not to know,
is a greater lesson than knowing.
Surrendering to the divine plan.
And so it is. MMM

Monday, April 2, 2012

Healing REIKI Energy from SEDONA

Dear Ones:
I am pleased to share with you my first healing video. I was recently blessed to become a REIKI Master and spend 8 days in meditative retreat at one of the most spiritual places on the planet, Sedona, AZ.

This healing video is a gift from my heart to yours:

To read more about Sedona Vortexes

To read more about REIKI healing

The divine in me salutes the divine in you.

May you always know how loved and supported you are.

Namaste. MMM