Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Heart Talk

The book that I read over and over again is called The Success Principles by Jack Canfield.  It has taught me so much. One of the principles I use from this book is the Heart Talk.

Recently, I started using the "Heart Talk" in my communications with my partner. A Heart Talk is very easy to implement and makes a world of difference in how we listen to each other.

1. Find a small object, such as a coin, to use as the "token".
2. Only the person holding the token is allowed to speak--no interrupting.
3. He/She gets to speak for as long as he/she chooses about whatever he/she wants to express.
4. Once he/she finishes, he/she passes the token to the next speaker.
5. It goes around in a circle until each speaker feels completely heard.
6. While each person is speaking, the listeners do not engage in any other activity besides listening.

What does this technique give you?
--More intimacy
--More partnership
--Better listening skills
--Deeper understanding of the other person

Here is a video of Jack teaching about the Heart Talk. Try it out and see for yourself.
Let me know what happens.   Love and light, MM.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

1,000 Page Views-Thank YOU Readers!!

Thank you to all the readers from around the world!!
Here are the Top 10 Countries in order of viewers:
United States 
South Korea


Monday, August 15, 2011

The Feng Shui of Relationships

In Chinese philosophy there is balance in everything in the cosmos. There is a YIN and a YANG. There is the masculine and the feminine.

For much of my life I was encouraged to be "masculine". Go, be, win, chase, etc. It worked well in certain areas of my life, but not in my relationships.

What I have learned in many years of dating and study is that men do not like to be
"Out-Alphaed". What does that mean? It means that if you choose a "masculine man" as your mate, the only energy that will work with him is the feminine or YIN energy. If you are acting out of your masculine side or YANG, you will turn him off. Thus, he will move away from you or become inert (non-active).

How can you practice being more YIN or Feminine?

1. Wait for a man to call you. If you start off chasing him, you will be forever in this cycle.
2. If he offers a gift, such as dinner, receive it graciously by accepting it and thanking him.
   This does not mean you owe him anything more than your beautiful company.
3. When he speaks, listen. If men are interrupted they feel disrespected.
4. Cultivate the power of attraction.  Getting is a masculine concept. Attracting is feminine.
5. Practice stillness. The only way to be patient in the in-between time is to be ok with solitude.

And finally,

6. Remember that YIN energy is just as powerful as YANG.

In nature, there is night and day. Every plant would die if there were only sun shining on it all the time. So think of your relationship like a precious flower, give it light and dark for it to flourish and blossom.

I look forward to receiving your questions, comments, and feedback.
If this was helpful for you, please share it with your friends.
Have a wonderful week. Namaste. MM