Monday, July 18, 2011

Spotlight Artists of the Month

I am very pleased to announce the TriArt Event @3rd Space on July 30th in SD.
Proceeds to benefit The Miraclecatcher Foundation.  RSVP Featuring:

 Micaela Bellopede, Tom Lien, and Deanne Williamson

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

30 Days of Receptivity

I believe that the universe is an abundant and generous place. In my experience, the real question is not "if something will happen", but "am I ready to receive it?"

So I practice being an open vessel of gratitude every day. The wider the receptacle, the bigger the flow of divine energy through me.

Some of the things that manifested during my 30 days of Receptivity Practice:

Free vacation at the spa Rancho La Puerta for two, flowers, cash, new clients, an art show, new friends, lots of appreciation, three massages, great health, invitations, love, joy and much more. Thank you to all the wonderful providers (especially Hazel, Keith, Delon, Carol, Dad, and Mark) and thank you to this beautiful abundant universe.

Now you may say, well that is just "luck". That would never happen to me.

The truth is that it can and does happen for everyone all of the time.

Here are some questions to ask yourself:?
  • How good am I at receiving? Do I thank people and let the gifts in?
  • Do I think I deserve to be treated well?
  • How much do I think is possible to manifest?
  • How grateful do I feel every day for the love, abundance, and gifts I have already received?
I visualize the sunflowers opening their faces to the sun. Receiving light. Receiving love. Receiving nourishment.

There is no struggle. No person or thing on this planet is more or less deserving. The animals receive, the plants receive, and yet, paradoxically, it is only mankind that resists receiving.

I will keep believing and continue manifesting. Please consider that it is possible and do-able for you too.

To give is a gift. To receive is a gift.

Think of a world where everyone gives and receives freely...

I invite you to try your own 30 Days of Receptivity.

With love, MM

2011 Copyright Miraclecatcher Enterprises

p.s. Save the Date. July 30th. Art by Micaela @3rd Space. San Diego. It's not a cult, yet...

Copyright 2008 Miraclecatcher Photography