Monday, May 13, 2013


Greetings Goddesses:

Today I want to write about goodbyes.
Yesterday, the world lost a beautiful QUEEN. Her name was Mary. She was a beloved friend, wife, and mother. When I found out that Mary had made her transition, I was shocked because she had been sick for several months and I never knew. She was always elegant, gracious, and beaming with light.

So my post today is about saying goodbye. I know that Mary is in a beautiful place and she is at peace with God. It is we, who are left behind, who feel the pain. Now she feels only bliss. We grieve our loss. And each loss reminds us of other times we have said goodbye. So we cry, then we smile, then we cry some more.

I want to say thank you Mary. Thank you for your light, your grace, your presence. By saying goodbye to you and releasing my sorrow, my heart grows bigger. My heart cracks open wide for more light, more love, and more forgiveness. Life is too short to hold on to things I cannot control.

You remind me to get on with my life's purpose. I came here to shine. I came here to give light; and most profoundly, I came here to love and BE loved. Thank you for reminding me. I needed a reminder. I was stuck in limbo, and now I am moving ever upward.

I hear you my friend, loud and clear. You are here always in our hearts.

Shining your light down on us....MM

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