Friday, March 9, 2012

The Shadow Self

What is the Shadow Self?

Renowned psychologist Carl Jung defines the Shadow as "part of the unconscious mind consisting of repressed weaknesses, shortcomings, and instincts. However, it is also "the seat of creativity."

What I have learned about the Shadow is that it is the part of ourselves we hide from others. The more we repress it, the darker it becomes. Moreover, the Shadow Side, if repressed and ignored, will sabotage us and keep us from manifesting our dreams.

Conversely, if embraced and recognized, the Shadow Side is our friend and ally. 

Let me give you an example, my shadow side is "selfish". I was always taught to give and think of others. Giving is a noble quality. But selfishness also embodies the word "self". If we always give to others, then what is left for ourselves? Over the years, I have learned to protect my energy. I cannot be a great friend, teacher, parent, or partner if I feel drained or resentful.

Everything in the universe has balance. The shadow is just that, a way for our persona to be more balanced or whole. Look at what you repress. Your voice? Your talent? Your needs? Now ask yourself, "Am I in balance?" In my experience, if something is out of balance the universe will bring us many mirrors of it. For example, if we repress our voice, we will attract people who speak frankly or bluntly, and this may make us uncomfortable. Remember, a shadow mirror has one purpose: to highlight the imbalance that needs correcting.

Interestingly, once the imbalance is corrected those mirrors stop showing up.

Coincidence? No, synchronicity.  ;-)

Wholeness means to be complete in all parts of ourselves. There is no good or bad, there is just what is...

Book Recommendation: The Dark Side of the Light Chasers by Debbie Ford

Wishing "all of you" great love and self-acceptance, 


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