Monday, December 5, 2011

The Power of Gratitude

When I ask Spirit about abundance, I always get the same answer. Be grateful.
What is the connection between having more and being grateful?

Being grateful is about centering in the present moment. When I feel thankful for what is already here, all the good starts to expand.

So often when we are upset, we are focusing in the wrong place. Are we upset about something that happened in the past or worried about something in the future?

Neither of those places is where we create from. We create from the NOW. So in order to manifest more abundance, love, happiness, etc., we need to first get ourselves back into the now.

Let's all take a moment to look around. Wherever you are, ask yourself, "What do I see right now that I feel grateful for?" As for me,  I am looking outside at the trees and the fountain. It is a sunny day in December. Just looking at the trees, I feel more peaceful.

Ah, now that is a higher emotional vibration--peace.

Remember that whatever you want more of cannot come to you unless you already feel it inside. Love attracts to love. Wealth attracts to wealth. Kindness attracts kindness, and so on. Therefore, being grateful attracts MORE of whatever you are thankful for!  I love it!

Over time, I have found that g
ratitude, like many things, comes easier with practice. I have a Gratitude Journal which I write in every day. It is a positive way to center my energy before I leave the house.  

What are you grateful for right now? Can you count 10 things? 50? 100? Try it with me.
Do you feel better? I hope so.

Wishing you peace, love and abundance,  MMM


  1. Every morning when I wake up and before my feet hit the ground I give gratitude to the Universe for everything that I am blessed with.

  2. Anytime I catch myself on a rant and rage moment or feeling down and hopeless I look at what I have and what I am grateful for. I can make it as simple or as big as I want. No rules, anything! Even the grease puddle on the ground in the driveway. I have lived a lot of "life" and encountered several upsetting things on my journey. No matter how bad I have gratitude for each one and the person in it no matter how much they harmed me or betrayed me. I do not hold resentments or regrets because of this. Thank goodness for gratitude. It along with faith have totally saved my life and my sanity and spirit! Thanks for sharing your beautiful message of gratitude! Namaste"...Meadow

  3. Thank you for sharing your lovely insights. One of the things I am really grateful for is the connectedness of the world wide web!! I love when it was called that. One energy, one connection, one planet. :-)
