Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I have come to the resting place on my journey. It may look like I am moving very fast, but underneath it all, I am very, very still. The masculine energy of YANG is about getting, achieving, making it happen. The feminine energy of YIN is about letting it all come. I have striven, I have sought, and I have climbed the mountain. Now it is all about resting into the palm of the divine. Knowing that there is nowhere to go but here, no one to be but me.
Take in a deep breath and exhale with me...Ahhhhh.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

LIKE The Goddess Salon on Facebook


Now that I have learned how to ask for support, it is interesting to see how people respond to my request. :-) What I see is that men are grateful to be asked. Women, it depends on how comfortable they themselves are with receiving support. My call to all people, especially women, is to ask for support. It is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign of trust. Trust that you/we are all divinely supported. Some people may say No to my request, but MANY, oh so many, will and do say YES!!

Have a BliSSful SuNdaY! MMM

And don't forget to LIKE the Goddess Salon and Share it with your sisters and tribe.

Many thanks, MMM